BRAND MINDS Conference – A Life-Changing Experience


Are you looking for a life-changing experience? Come to the BRAND MINDS Conference!

You might say

Oh, I am not going to believe you because you are biased. Everything about BRAND MINDS is amazing in your eyes.

You are totally correct! I am proud of our conference and I’m sure the rest of the BRAND MINDS team feels the same.

Our conference is the result of a 12-month hard work. Starting with the selection of the best keynote speakers of the moment, to planning the entire logistics process, communication strategy and each detail that is meant to enhance the participant’s experience – everything is designed in great detail to ensure you have the best conference experience yet.

[bctt tweet=”BRAND MINDS: Everything is designed in great detail to ensure you have the best conference experience yet.” username=”brand_minds”]


Here is why BRAND MINDS is a life-changing experience:

Growing With Each Edition

Our conference has been growing with each edition. The attendees have increased in number year after year: from 300 in 2015 to 3000 in 2018.

The 2019 BRAND MINDS conference will host over 4200 attendees.

We have a lot of surprises prepared for these amazing world-changers and we’re looking forward to welcoming them.

Committed Partners

Our partners are leading companies in their respective fields and share our commitment to organize the best conference of the year.

They provide for BRAND MINDS attendees high-quality experiences in between speakers sessions, raising the bar with each edition.

Our conference wouldn’t be the same without them!

Valuable Insights – No Fluff Content

Don’t you hate it when you attend a conference and realize you could have found better use of your time? No valuable content, nothing you haven’t heard before. It’s so disappointing!

We receive positive feedback following every edition of BRAND MINDS. Many of the attendees share the same story: they tell us how they walk into the venue with high expectations and return home at the end of the event having their expectations met and even exceeded.

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No fluff content at BRAND MINDS!

We are aiming for the most valuable content. At the end of the day, our attendees leave with actionable insights, latest trends and overall a life-enriching experience.

Life-Changing Experience

We’re not saying this just to impress you.

Following the 2017 edition of BRAND MINDS, one of our attendees made a bold move: he closed his ongoing business at the time and started a new one which turned out to be highly successful. Later on, he told us he was able to switch gears and follow a different path thanks to the inspiration he had received while attending BRAND MINDS.

This is what BRAND MINDS is all about: changing lives for the better!

Relevant and Insightful Speakers

BRAND MINDS is a business-focused conference. Business is about entrepreneurship, leadership, vision, courage and life-long personal development.

Therefore we carefully select our speakers to make sure they all provide relevant knowledge into each facet of any entrepreneur’s life.

Check the speakers of our 2019 edition and judge for yourself!

Fresh and Talented Speakers

We know all successful conferences rely on the star power of their speakers. But we are not like any other conferences. Inspiration lies in diversity and sometimes the less travelled road leads to a surprising discovery.

Yes, we strive to bring on stage widely-known speakers: Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Grant Cardone, Brene Brown, Guy Kawasaki and so on.

But our work also consists of finding fresh and talented speakers who are just getting started. That was the case of our 2018 speaker – Shed Simove.

Many raised their eyebrows in disbelief because they didn’t know who he was. Well, let me tell you – they certainly know him now!

Shed rocked the stage and made a lasting impression on everyone at the conference: attendees, camera crew members, volunteers and technical staff. He wasn’t a risk, he was our ace in the sleeve.

Here is Raluca Kisescu, Brand Consultant talking about Shed’s speech:


If any of our speakers are unknown to you, tell yourself this:

I don’t know them but if they have been selected by the BRAND MINDS team to speak at their conference then they must be worth the spotlight and my time.

And last but not least:

The Live Experience Is The Best Experience

Reading Seth Godin’s book is great, but nothing compares to seeing him live, on stage, delivering his speech. Sitting just a few steps away from him, you can feel his passion, laugh at his witty comments or think about his words deeply and purposefully.

It’s an amazingly engaging experience that you just can’t get anywhere else.

These are my arguments for BRAND MINDS being a life-changing experience.

But don’t take my word for it.

Come to BRAND MINDS and see for yourself!

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