16 questions HR managers should ask in a Stay Interview

The Stay Interview is a powerful tool HR managers should use to increase engagement and retention of the top talent in the company.

If you are an HR manager looking to stop or limit Quiet Quitting in the company, Stay Interviews are the place to start.

What is the Stay Interview?

The Stay Interview is the opposite of the Exit Interview. While in the Exit Interview, the HR manager asks questions to uncover why the employee is leaving, in Stay Interviews, the HR manager asks the employee questions to determine their level of satisfaction with the company and their job role.

What is the purpose of the Stay Interview?

The purpose of the Stay Interview is to raise employee retention rates. During the interview, employees are invited to talk about what they like the most about their job roles as well as their least favourite part, whether or not they feel seen by management if their career goals are met and what should the company do to improve their performance.

The Stay Interview is an opportunity for HR managers to assess the employee’s current level of engagement and what the company can do to maintain or increase it.

What do you do after the Stay Interview?

After the Stay Interviews are completed, HR managers forward their conclusions to top management and make recommendations about the aspects that should be improved or changed.

Stay Interviews show that the employer takes accountability for the factors they control and are a way to build trust with employees.

If there are no follow-ups from top management, the employer breaks the employees’ trust with employees concluding that Stay Interviews are just a waste of time and the company doesn’t care about them.

What is asked in the Stay Interview?

The Stay Interview is a casual discussion between the HR manager and the employee. Here are 16 questions HR managers should ask in a Stay Interview:

  1. Do you know what is expected of you?
  2. Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work right?
  3. Do you feel your talents are being used well?
  4. What talents, interests or skills do you have that we haven’t made the most of?
  5. In the last 7 days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? Or feedback to improve your performance?
  6. Do you feel that your input is valued by leadership and that giving feedback is encouraged?
  7. Does your supervisor seem to care about you as a person?
  8. Is your supervisor actively invested in your professional growth?
  9. Has your supervisor talked to you about the next step in your career plan?
  10. In the last six months, has your supervisor talked to you about your progress?
  11. Does the mission or purpose of our organization make you feel your job is important?
  12. What do you enjoy most about working at the company and your role?
  13. What is the least favourite part of your job and why?
  14. Have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow this last year?
  15. Do you feel that the company encourages work-life balance?
  16. What would make you leave the company?

Are you looking to get new strategies to grow your employee retention and engagement?

Here are 4 key takeaways from Future of Work Strategy Expert @ London Business School Lynda Gratton:

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