The Virtual Promoter and why use it in your campaigns

Sometimes is hard to keep up with the technology at the level that is evolving, but by doing it you make sure your business stays in front of the pack and continues to gets more and more loyal customers. In this context, the retail industry has become one of the most competitive and dynamic areas of work, with brands literary fighting for the top stops in consumers’ minds.

It’s time for the agencies be even closer to their clients and help them reach their business goal. In retail, virtual mannequins have become an ideal, interactive display to inform customers, visitors and guests. The virtual mannequin can be you, a member of your staff or a hired actor. Virtual Mannequins create a ‘hologram model’ that enables stores and brands to display consistently powerful and engaging sales pitches, promotional and informational messages. Virtual promoter can be used in shopping malls, supermarkets, banks, airports, auto-dealerships, hotels, restaurants and a host of other areas.

efmp (European Field Marketing Partners)’s agencies in the Czech RepublicGermany and Romania are some of the few agencies in the world using this state of the art interactive 83” rear-projection media display platform, called the Virtual Promoter. This platform has been designed to produce a life-size display that interacts by gestures and hi-fi sound feedback.

“The interactive displays are aesthetically pleasing and effortlessly catch the attention of the passing consumers. The engaging nature of the displays makes consumers curious and encourages them to explore the technology; as a result every detail of the product is promoted. Whether it’s product information, special offers, services or long-term customer retention, there is no better way to capture the attention of the customers at the point of sale (POS); and the virtual promoters are always on duty,” wrote efmp on its blog.

Due to the novel way that virtual promoters display information, consumers are receptive to far more information. This is a great advantage for brands operating in a competitive environment. However, the benefits go beyond just engagement but also include the recording of in-depth customer metrics, with smart data giving brands insight into their target audience.

PPM Factum in the Czech Republic is one of only a few agencies in the world to use this progressive technology. They launched their virtual promoter (ViP) at the Retail Summit on 1st February 2016. According to its website, it is a device designed by the company Ameria, Germany, and is based on the motion capture. The Virtual Promoter (ViP) offers to show your advertisements or product range in a completely new and original way. By means of creative and entertaining application formats it is possible to communicate via the ViP much larger amount of information, moreover in a absolutely non-aggressive way, which is perceived very positively by customers.

“The essence of using this technology is to give brands a deeper understanding of how customers experience them in the retail environment, which in turn enhances their business intelligence and allows them to make strategic changes to implement cost savings and an increase in sales. It allows our agencies to translate their activities into data that shapes business decisions. Given the variety of campaigns delivered and the objectives for each, all agencies are able to create and report on bespoke metrics that are tailored to an individual brand’s needs. The ultimate objective is to optimize performance. A variety of platforms and tools are used to deliver campaigns; below we outline some of the outputs and benefits of this technology,” added efmp.

Some of the advantages for the business are:

Increase attractiveness of your business place. Attract attention to your shop.

Call to action. Process promotions & novelties and attract customers to your shop.

Information and navigation function. Offer information on your products including navigation through your business location.

An assistant support. Provide service outside your opening hours or unburden your sales assistants during peak hours.

Entertaining function. Offer your customers a pleasant use of time while waiting, kid´s corner.

CRM innovation. 

Quality evaluation of promo event effectiveness based on accurate data.

Attracts attention of passersby by addressing them proactively.

Promo function is accomplished unobtrusively in the background by providing information or via an entertaining application.

“GIMMO Virtual Promoter” (ViP) is a device working on the principle of a projection on a glass coated with special foil. The glass can be placed in space or in a shop window. The device is equipped with the most advanced motion sensor that can recognize and contact passersby. It responds to gestures and sounds; creates an illusion of a real person. Moreover, still according to its website, almost 7 % of passersby stop and watch on average of 40 seconds, 2 % of passersby proactively test the device and spend on average 70 seconds on it. The device keeps customers´ attention much longer than any other type of media. Percentage of expressed interest is significantly higher than in other measurable media (internet).

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