How to Increase Conversions with Video Marketing

Video marketing is the latest tactic used by marketers to increase conversions.

This article will show you 3 examples of how to use video to increase your conversions.

In the past decade, social media has risen to unexpected heights and the business world could not ignore it any longer. Smartphones were the tools that enabled social media’s rapid growth. Mobile phone companies fitted their smartphones with highly performing cameras in terms of photo and video features. Statistics show that prospects and customers love to watch videos and businesses should take advantage of this.

[bctt tweet=”Discover 3 ways you can use video to increase your conversions.” username=”brand_minds”]

2018 statistics found that video drives consumer decisions:

  • 64% of consumers say that watching a marketing video on Facebook has influenced a purchasing decision (source:;
  • Having product how-to videos available on YouTube are 9x more important to shoppers than celebrity endorsements;
  • The most popular video content: How-to videos (52%), Product reviews (26%), Unboxing videos (25%);
  • 59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than read text (source:;
  • 60% of marketers used videos in their social media marketing in 2016 (source:;
  • Companies that use videos in their marketing have 27% higher clickthrough rate and 34% higher conversion rates than those that don’t (source:

Conversions are the mileposts of the buyer’s journey. They signal when a prospect has reached a particular moment that shows he is becoming interested in your company’s products or services.  

3 examples of video marketing to increase conversions

1. Attending webinars/workshops/training sessions

Let’s assume your company sells social media marketing services to medium size firms.

One of your business strategies to attract new customers is to provide free workshops of personal branding to top level managers.

How do you influence your prospects to attend your workshops using video marketing?

You can show them a video of previous attendees talking about how these workshops helped them increase their personal brand. Video testimonials are effective marketing tools because they feature real persons. Also the viewer can see them express positive emotions when talking about their experience with your company, which is more impactful than a written testimonial could ever be.

Key takeaway: Include a powerful call to action and a sign-in form to measure your conversions!

2. Drive traffic to your website

Your company sells kitchen cabinets and you need to increase traffic to its website.

How can you increase the traffic to your company’s website with video marketing?

You can let your prospects know that if they wish to update their kitchen style and are confused about choosing a design, you have prepared a video for them. Your video can feature one of your employees presenting the latest fashion in kitchen cabinets. Prospects are looking for branded content that can deliver valuable information. High quality, informative and helpful videos are effective because they help your company build trust and positive connection to its customers.

Key takeaway: Invest in high-quality video and be true to your brand.

3. Influence your prospects to buy your product

Your company sells coffee machines.

How can you influence your prospects into buying your coffee machines using video marketing?

By making product review videos. Show your customers how they can prepare their favorite coffee, outline your coffee machine’s features and show them their benefits if they buy your product. Be engaging and entertaining!  

Product review videos can influence your ranking in Google results for mobile.

Key takeaway: Don’t tell them, show them!

Expert’s statement

We asked Calin Biris, online marketing expert what are the top 3 reasons that deter marketers from producing video content.

Here is what he had to say:

One day a man comes to you and says that he has a powerful tool that can clean your house in just one hour if you use it properly. He shows you statistics about it and testimonials. He also tells you that this tool costs twice as much as any other appliance you have, but it could save you four times that amount if you use it regularly. Then he invites you to buy it. What would be your first reaction?
Likewise marketers and business owners are sceptical and unprepared for using video content mainly because they don’t know how to use it and produce it (before investing in it), and are afraid to spend more than they are already paying on other traditional content.
When marketers have a clear content strategy, a content plan, a budget and objectives, it is easier to decide what type of content to invest in, based on the projected results they expect. Because consumers engage more with video content and Social Media platforms are pushing this type of content to their users, the results of using video can be more efficient than in the case of using any other type of content, even if the production costs are higher.
Getting back to the story, the right decision would be to buy the powerful tool that cleans your house faster, only if you are planning to keep your home neat and learn how to use that tool properly. You don’t want to waste time, money and energy using an expensive appliance in a wrong way.

How to use YouTube retargeting and why

According to Search Engine Journal, in 2014,  a survey revealed nearly 60% of US Internet users visited YouTube at least once a week.

Re-targeting represents showing ads to an audience that has completed certain actions, such as visited a website, watched a video on YouTube, subscribed to a YouTube channel, or liked a YouTube video. Re-marketing/Re-targeting is a relatively safe and compelling method since the audience/viewers have already expressed interest and been exposed to the product/brand before. It serves to better engage and relate to the audience of your choice. It is also considered one of the most important targeting options in the advertising world.

Therefore, the method can be a really effective way to re-engage with the people who already are familiar with your brand and you can keep your brand in front of people who left your site without converting. For most websites, only about 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit, so it is essential to re-target those lost leads. With re-targeting you can reach the 98% of users who didn’t convert right away on your site. Both Facebook and YouTube have strong re-targeting tools. On YouTube/Google, you can re-target your YouTube viewers with AdWords or your website visitors.

At the same time, with YouTube re-marketing lists, you can re-market to people who have previously interacted with your YouTube channel. Now, you can use these audiences with re-marketing lists for search ads (RLSA).

More insights on the subject you can find here.

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