27 growth insights from James Clear, Nassim Taleb, Renee Mauborgne, Blair Singer, Lynda Gratton and Anne-Marie Imafidon
Are you looking for growth insights with remarkable results in your life and career?
Here are 27 growth insights from global business thinkers and BRAND MINDS 2023 speakers James Clear, Nassim Taleb, Renée Mauborgne, Blair Singer, Lynda Gratton, Anne-Marie Imafidon and Neil Patel.

Growth Insight Quote #1:
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” (Atomic Habits)
James Clear, Bestselling Author of Atomic Habits
Growth Insight Quote #2:
“The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking.”(Atomic Habits)
James Clear, Bestselling Author of Atomic Habits
Growth Insight Quote #1:
“When you can’t win by being better, you can win by being different.” (Atomic Habits)
James Clear, Bestselling Author of Atomic Habits
Growth Insight Quote #4:
“Professionals stick to the schedule, amateurs let life get in the way” (Atomic Habits)
James Clear, Bestselling Author of Atomic Habits
Growth Insight Quote #5:
“You don’t have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the architect of it.” (Atomic Habits)
James Clear, Bestselling Author of Atomic Habits

Growth Insight Quote #6:
“Face-to-face interactions between workers fell by 70% after they shifted to open-plan offices, according to one study.” (Redesigning Work)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School
Growth Insight Quote #7:
“Flexibility became a reality, and leaders realized employees could still get their jobs done.” (Redesigning Work)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School
Growth Insight Quote #8:
“Bureaucracy declined because of the ruthless prioritization required in the shift to remote work.” (Redesigning Work)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School
Growth Insight Quote #9:
“A complex job involves around 30 separate tasks, or different things one does in the course of it.” (Redesigning Work)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School

Growth Insight Quote #10:
“Don’t tell me what you ‘think’ – just tell me what’s in your portfolio.” (Skin in the Game)
Nassim Taleb, Author & Risk Analyst
Growth Insight Quote #11:
“Those who don’t take risks should never be involved in making decisions.” (Skin in the Game)
Nassim Taleb, Author & Risk Analyst
Growth Insight Quote #12:
“Think in terms of expected value. Individual probabilities are meaningless without knowing the magnitude of their outcomes.” (Fooled by Randomness)
Nassim Taleb, Author & Risk Analyst
Growth Insight Quote #13:
“Life is nonlinear. Small acts can have disproportionate consequences.” (Fooled by Randomness)
Nassim Taleb, Author & Risk Analyst
Growth Insight Quote #14:
“We are blind to probabilities. We do not make rational choices, but emotional ones.” (Fooled by Randomness)
Nassim Taleb, Author & Risk Analyst

Growth Insight Quote #15:
“Redraw industry boundaries and operate within that new space, making the competition irrelevant.” (Blue Ocean Strategy)
Renée Mauborgne, Bestselling Author of Blue Ocean Strategy & Blue Ocean Shift
Growth Insight Quote #16:
“Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost.” (Blue Ocean Strategy)
Renée Mauborgne, Bestselling Author of Blue Ocean Strategy & Blue Ocean Shift

Growth Insight Quote #17:
“Achieving your dreams requires letting go of conventional paths.” (Hustle)
Neil Patel, Digital Marketing Expert
Growth Insight Quote #18:
“Taking risks to own your dreams is part of hustle.”(Hustle)
Neil Patel, Digital Marketing Expert
Growth Insight Quote #19:
“Take small steps toward your dreams to persevere through tough times.” (Hustle)
Neil Patel, Digital Marketing Expert
Growth Insight Quote #20:
“Develop a portfolio that showcases your strengths and highlights your dreams.” (Hustle)
Neil Patel, Digital Marketing Expert

Growth Insight Quote #21:
“Digital literacy is a great way to step up your career.” (She’s in CTRL)
Anne-Marie Imafidon, Tech Leadership Expert
Growth Insight Quote #22:
“Learn how to deliver a great “elevator pitch.” Learn how to make a presentation that lasts from two minutes to 20 minutes that compels others to take immediate action of some sort. Practice it again and again until it rolls off your tongue.” (SalesDogs)
Blair Singer, World Famous Sales Expert
Growth Insight Quote #23:
“More and more, we live in Extremistan, an unequal world with unpredictable extreme outliers.” (Black Swan)
Nassim Taleb, Author & Risk Analyst
Growth Insight Quote #24:
“Fragmentation – a world where a multitude of things constantly demand our attention.” (The Shift)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School

Growth Insight Quote #25:
“Isolation – a world where the reliance on virtual technology and working from home has led to a dramatic decrease of face-to-face meetings.” (The Shift)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School
Growth Insight Quote #26:
“Never underestimate who may know the person who knows the person you want to meet. If you suspect even the most remote possibility that someone might be able to lead you to a decision-maker… Follow it!” (SalesDogs)
Blair Singer, World Famous Sales Expert
Growth Insight Quote #27:
“There are 5 forces that shape the world now and in the future: technology, globalisation, demography & longevity, society and energy resources.” (The Shift)
Lynda Gratton, Future of Work Strategy Expert @London Business School